This plot syle used by NU is color dependent (.ctb) files that set the style based on the color of the object. See table 3.6.4 of the CAD Drafting Standards to see which layer the linetypes are assigned to.

Once file is loaded you can now load these files within your AutoCAD drawing. Place this file in the support folder within AutoCAD on your computer. This file will provide you with all the linetypes that NU uses. NU-FPC uses various linetypes within our drawings. The Packaged General Symbols.zip includes all genereal symbols. Download any of these items that apply to your project. NU-FPC has created a library of general blocks specific to NU projcects. Note, to load the NU linetypes you will need to have the linetype file (NU.lin, found under CAD Library Downloads/Linetype File herein) loaded within AutoCAD for this command to work.

You can use either option to fit your need. They are provided in the menu bar or in a ribbon panel. Included in this CUI file are NU commands that will load all NU standard layers, linetypes and drawing settings.