Extract all files from the file to the WindowsSubsystemAndroid folder. Go back to 7Zip with the open msix-file.There, create a new folder and rename it to WindowsSubsystemAndroid. Launch File Explorer and navigate to drive C.Find the biggest one (approximately 720MB) and open it inside 7Zip. You will find lots of msix-files inside the archive.7Zip is a solid variant you can download from the official website for free.

Click OK and wait for Windows to download the necessary files.

Place checkmarks next to Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Subsystem for Linux.The latter is required to modify the WSA kernel to include Google Services. You need this to enable Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Subsystem for Linux. Press Win + R and enter optionalfeatures.We recommend starting with a "clean" installation with no existing instances of Windows Subsystem for Android. Also, you may want to consider minimum hardware requirements for Android apps on Windows 11. We have successfully tested this guide before publishing it, but we cannot guarantee the Google Play Store will work on your computer.